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How Women Manipulate Weak Men

It starts when you like a girl and she notices it. You both begin texting regularly, but while you're developing feelings for her, she’s only enjoying the attention and validation you give her. You want to ask her to be your girlfriend but feel too scared to do so. One day, you gather the courage and ask, but she politely declines, telling you that you’re a great guy and she just wants to be friends. Caught up in the validation, you agree, believing she’s given you a chance. You continue texting, and even though it feels like she's putting effort into the friendship, you keep doing things for her. She texts to check on you, and you think you’re making progress. Soon, she starts asking for favors, and you feel compelled to do them in hopes that it will lead to a romantic relationship. She knows how to play the game. You buy her things, sometimes even as surprises, trying to win her over. But she keeps taking from you. Once she’s drained you enough, she starts causing drama. You ...

Dear Miss Fine Fine with Itchy Thighs

Differentiate between being loved and being used. Both appear similar than different. They are bombarding your inbox because they have not yet achieved their mission of being in that Cork City field. Once the player scores, they will always run away to celebrate the goals. Additionally, when a small hole becomes a pothole, drivers start avoiding it. Punguza nye nye dear aging womanπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ.You are not getting any better but running out of options and demand. Your dark days are approaching so fast.

Most of the single mothers you see around are not happy with life and even themselves more so if they were the problem in the relationship/marriage. It's getting tough for them day in day out as the earlier on suiters are disappearing one by one. Those men are chasing you because your man is providing you with the basic needs i.e food, shelter, clothing and 6iecs.Now what is making you sneak out of the marriage ring is untamed desires and negative influence from social media.
STOP Listening to sadists and agents of doom but instead believe in yourself, build your man, support him and eventually you will build an heaven on earth in your home.
A happy family is a reality if you could tame your busy body and hurting mouth, drop comparisons, embrace corrections, appreciations and contentment spiced with minding your own business.
Avoid unnecessary conversations and destructive sittings and let you be occupied by thoughts of bettering your husband and family .Shape and beauty can't keep a man, but a good humble heart does.
